Passion for the art and craft of storytelling

Analogue House is an independent publishing company that has a passion for the physical and tactile. The weight of a book in your hands, the sound of flipping pages–embrace it all as you dive into some of our great stories. 

Recent Books

She Dreams in Blue Light

Coming June 27th, 2023

A hopeful adult coming-of-age story about the impact of our work, our connections with others, and the promise of technology.

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A.R. Malecki

ANNA “A.R.” MALECKI is the author of debut novel “She Dreams in Blue Light.” Her writing has appeared in Infinite Worlds science fiction magazine and she’s a member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association. She’s worked as a software engineer and in product design/research. 

You can find her obsessing over books and stationery on Instagram @the_stationery_writer

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